Monday, January 17, 2011

WikiLeaks to release information on Swiss banks and their clients

Via digby at Hullabaloo, it looks like WikiLeaks will soon release information regarding Swiss banks and their clients.

Elmer says he is releasing the information "in order to educate society". The list includes "high net worth individuals", multinational conglomerates and financial institutions – hedge funds". They are said to be "using secrecy as a screen to hide behind in order to avoid paying tax". They come from the US, Britain, Germany, Austria and Asia – "from all over".
Clients include "business people, politicians, people who have made their living in the arts and multinational conglomerates – from both sides of the Atlantic". Elmer says: "Well-known pillars of society will hold investment portfolios and may include houses, trading companies, artwork, yachts, jewellery, horses, and so on."
"What I am objecting to is not one particular bank, but a system of structures," he told the Observer. "I have worked for major banks other than Julius Baer, and the one thing on which I am absolutely clear is that the banks know, and the big boys know, that money is being secreted away for tax-evasion purposes, and other things such as money-laundering – although these cases involve tax evasion."
I'm looking forward to this release.  You might think that the US government would be happy about this kind of leaking as it would help enable them to recoup some tax dollars they should be getting, but I wouldn't count on it.

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